About Us

Color My World was launched in early 2018 to introduce new, color-enhancing technology to eye care professionals. Technology that can often be a life changing solution for the millions of Color-Deficient people in the world!
Heading up Color My World is Dr. David Hyndman, a private practice optometrist for over 25 years. Dr. Hyndman has developed a successful practice in Indiana and helped thousands of patients improve and retain clear vision. More recently, Dr. Hyndman became a regional expert on colorblindness/ color-deficiency and has taught continuing education classes to other doctors around his state. After working with many different lens options, and testing them on hundreds of color-deficient people, he has become convinced that this lens technology is a viable solution to enhance color perception for those with color deficiency.
The technology behind these lenses is very new and mostly unknown to eyecare professionals. So Dr. Hyndman launched the company: Color My World by Vivid Eyes to bring a kit of his 5 most effective lens options to his fellow professionals. (A 6th lens option was added in 2020!)
From Dr. Hyndman
"As a longtime provider of optometry services, I have seen many emotional reactions to a patient trying on their first glasses and seeing leaves on trees, or being able to read books again... But none of that has compared to the number of color-deficient patients I have been able to watch respond to these "color-blind" glasses. It has easily become one of the most rewarding things I have done in practice. With encouragement from several of my colleagues, I decided it was time to spread the word amongst my profession and get more eye care offices involved. We need to give our color-deficient patients the opportunity to enhance their vision of our beautiful world. The number of offices with the CMW Kit will continue to grow across the country and around the world as more and more doctors see just what these glasses can do!
If you are color-deficient or have a loved one that is..... Look up our list of offices with the kit. Find the nearest location and call for an appointment to try on the glasses. They must be experienced to find the one that works best for each individual. I fully believe this kit offers the best opportunity available to enhance your color vision!"